Avatar Involvement, Emotional Experience, and Immune Biology: A Multi-Sited and Cross-Cultural Collaborative Study

Jeffrey Snodgrass, Steve Cole

Individual Differences of Resilience and Transformation Through Practice

Tawni Tidwell (leader), Laurence Kirmayer, Chikako Ozawa-de Silva, Seinenu Thein-Lemelson, Samuel Veissière

Making the Invisible visible: Brain Imaging, Ethnographic Film, and the Capture of Invisible Presence

Michael Lifshitz (leader), Suparna Choudhury, Diana Allan (McGill), Julian Flavin (Art Institute, Chicago)

Mobile Methods Learning Group

Daniel Lende (leader), Maria Gendron, Tawni Tidwell, Kathy Trang (occasional participant observer), Breanne Casper (Lende grad student), Angelica Lim (Gendron collaborator)

Multi-Sited Research on Mind and Emotion in the Context of Culture: Methodological Challenges and Opportunities

Jeff Snodgrass (leader), Maria Gendron, Tanya Luhrmann, Kathy Trang, Sayed Shabab Wahid, postdoc in public health at GWU; Kara Weisman, postdoc at Developing Belief Network, BU

Synchrony: Tender Rhythms

Dietrich Stout, Stephanie Koziej, PhD, researcher and artist working on the intersection between philosophy, women’s, gender, and sexuality studies, psychoanalysis, queer studies, affect studies, neuroscience, and immersive installation art

Turtle or Hare: A Mathematical Model of Alternative Developmental Strategies for Optimal Fitness in Safe or Uncertain Socioecological Conditions

Sally Seraphin, Nina Fefferman, evolutionary biological mathematician, National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), which is based at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville