Culture, Mind, and Brain is an integrative approach to understanding human evolution, cognition, emotion, self, agency, ritual, religion, and other concepts that are not confined to any one scientific discipline.
The FPR Culture, Mind, and Brain Network is a multidisciplinary, multi-sited community of researchers and scholars who share an interest in culture, mind, and brain interactions and scientific and social questions of common concern.
The network objectives are to support research and educational activities that foster collaboration between social scientists and neuroscientists on CMB interactions.
Funding opportunities are provided to members of the CMB network to: (i) present and discuss their work and methodologies, including use of leading-edge tools and techniques; (ii) exchange ideas; and (iii) explore areas of mutual interest in the liminal territory that exists between disciplines. Ultimately, the integrative research supported by our grants should enrich explanatory models or create alternate conceptual frameworks as well as build new or strengthen existing collaborations with colleagues.
Grants are awarded to members of the CMB Research Network only. The Foundation does not accept unsolicited requests for funds.

FPR-Related Organizations
FPR-Hampshire College Culture, Brain, and Development Program
Links to FPR Publications
Culture, Mind, and Brain: Emerging Concepts, Models, Applications (Cambridge University Press, 2020)