Daniel Lende talked of his failures over 2020 and his work on public outreach and social media. He said he decided not to engage more on Facebook (a moral decision). He returned to the https://neuroanthropology.net blog that he shares with Greg Downey and to Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/anthrointheeveryday/). Daniel said nothing is like what it used to be, not just because content is different. The ecosystem for promoting social media has changed. He had a collaborative Instagram project in the early days of COVID where students would post. Then students stopped posting as much, as did he. What made the https://neuroanthropology.net blog successful was that it had academic and public impact at the same time, with something to explore and have an impact. Blog is doing rote stuff; Instagram does not lend to the academic side. Daniel said all platforms are compromised; we must make peace with that. The heady days of blogging are behind us and it is harder to amplify voice. He talked about engagement with people on social media. On the positive side of this engagement, Instagram is “feel good” but is limited. On the negative side, on Twitter, everyone is yelling at each other. An academic public approach to social media has to be integrated, focused, and time limited. Focused means specific things with photos. Students would have bought in much more if it was time limited (e.g., say the project would last a few months). Daniel said he combined essays and photographs in the format of a class, which was integrated, focused, and time limited. He said it requires a lot of work to integrate into a classroom. Lessons from teaching is the largest public impact.
Public Outreach and Social Media (Daniel Lende)
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Culture, Mind, and Brain: Emerging Concepts, Models, Applications (Cambridge University Press, 2020)