FPR Blog
Mapping Out a Feminist Bioscience: Interview with Sari van Anders (Part 2)
Doing Feminist Bioscience- Interview with Sari van Anders…
DSM-5 on Culture: A Significant Advance
[A]ll forms of distress are locally shaped, including the DSM…
Book Review: Liah Greenfeld’s Mind, Modernity, Madness
According to Liah Greenfeld, author of Mind, Modernity, Madness, “culture is an empirical reality of the first order in human life – that it, in the most profound sense of the word makes us human and defines human experience.”
Toward an Anthropological Theory of Mind: Introduction
In October 2011, a small, international gathering of twenty-seven anthropologists and psychologists took place at the Stanford Humanities Center, organized by Stanford anthropology professor Tanya Luhrmann and Culture and Mind postdoctoral fellows Julia Cassaniti, and Jocelyn Marrow.
Toward an Anthropological Theory of Mind: Selves
The session on “selves” in many ways revisited some classic questions in psychological anthropology: “To what extent are selves culturally constituted? If selves are only partially constituted by culture, what other factors play a part in their makeup?
CBDMH Psychosis Workshop Summary, Pt. 2
Today’s talk, which was richly illustrated with film clips from his documentary series Afflictions, focused on three areas: diagnosis and healing, illness experience, and outcome (see also Lemelson & Tucker, in press-a; and Lemelson & Tucker, in press-b, for more on the making of Afflictions).
CBDMH Psychosis Workshop Summary, Pt. 1
Last weekend, the FPR-CBDMH program held its inaugural winter workshop for CBDMH students and affiliated faculty at UCLA, bringing together an informal group to share research and perspectives on a topic of general interest: “Rethinking Psychosis: Culture, Brain, and Context.”
Is Schizophrenia a Network Disorder? Researchers Weigh in …
This is just a brief note that Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience…
A Very Brief Introduction: Resting-State Brain Connectivity
Some of the speakers at our forthcoming winter workshop on psychosis…
Lessons from Ten Years of Mixed Methods Graduate Training at UCLA
In May 2012 I attended the 10th reunion of the the FPR-UCLA Center for Culture,…
Waking, Dreaming, Being: The FPR Interviews Philospher Evan Thompson
The FPR interviews philosopher Evan Thompson (University of Toronto)…
Mental Disorders as Brain Disorders and Connectome Research Programs: Three Very Short Introductions from CalTech
Three videos from TEDxCaltech cover the basics in record time:…
“More than a Brain: Human Mindscapes” (Review)
Lambros Malafouris, who is Johnson Research and Teaching Fellow…
DSM-5 Recap: The “Eight Dimensions” of Psychosis
Psychiatric Times recaps changes in DSM-5 re psychotic disorders. But see also a terrific article in 2010 Nature ("The Environment and Schizophrenia") by van Os et al. for a much less reductionistic examination of environment.
Andreas Roepstorff on Interacting Minds
Andreas Roepstorff of the Interacting Minds Centre (Aarhus U…
A Conversation with Karen Nakamura
[This interview is cross-posted at somatosphere.net and the fpr…
Brain science of the 1950’s: “Small patches of illumination surrounded by an uncharted expanse of darkness”
Here's the link to Mike Jay's great review of Suzanne Corkin's…
Listen to Russell Poldrack on UT’s Neuroscientists Talk Shop
Russell Poldrack of UT Austin talks about cognitive neuroscience,…