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A limited number of rooms has been reserved at the Doubletree Hotel until November 12, 2002 at a discounted rate for conference attendees of $149.00, single or double occupancy.

For information and reservations, please contact these hotels directly and mention the UCLA/Foundation for Psychocultural Research PTSD Conference:

Holiday Inn Brentwood/Bel-Air
170 N. Church Lane
LA, CA 90049
Tel: 310-476-6411

Doubletree Guest Suites - Santa Monica
1707 Fourth Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Reservations 800-222-8733

Doubletree Hotel-Los Angeles/Westwood
10740 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90024

Tel.: (800) 472-8556
Fax: (310) 446-1723

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