Robert A. Levine, PhD

Robert A. LeVine, Ph.D., is Roy E. Larsen Professor of Education and Human Development, Emeritus, at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He is an anthropologist who has studied parenting and child development in Kenya, Nigeria, Mexico and Nepal and investigated the effects of schooling on maternal behavior in diverse cultural contexts.

Dr. LeVine has, with his collaborators, published 11 books and more than 100 articles, contributing to psychological anthropology and comparative education as well as the cross-cultural study of parenting, childcare and enculturation. His recent books include Child Care and Culture: Lessons from Africa (1994), Japanese Frames of Mind: Cultural Perspectives on Human Development (2001) and Childhood Socialization: Comparative Studies of Parenting, Learning and Educational Change (2003). He has also written on comparative personality research, person-centered ethnography and the relationship of psychoanalysis to anthropology.

The awards received by Dr. LeVine include the Career Contribution Award of the Society for Psychological Anthropology (1997) and the Distinguished Contributions Award of the American Educational Research Association (2001). He was Chairman of the Social Science Research Council (1980-83) and Distinguished Visiting Professor of the University of Hong Kong (2001-02).

In the spring semester of 2006-2007, Dr. LeVine is a Visiting Professor of Anthropology at Boston University.

The 2007 Conference